The Future of Higher Ed Immersed in Web 3.0

Not everyone agrees about what Web 3.0 will be, let alone how it will impact higher education, but the time to begin preparing is now. It’s not at all surprising that a definitive vision for the future internet has not yet been shared, because there is no agreement on what the next iteration of the…

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Online Administration Network Member Spotlight – Shaun Moore

  At what institution do you work, and what is your role? I’m the Director of e-Learning and Instructional Support (e-LIS) at Oakland University, in Michigan. I’ve been here since 2001, starting as a student employee doing help calls for our one online class at the time, then getting hired on full time in 2005, and moving…

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Credentials: Closing the Relevancy Loop

One of higher ed’s challenges is to close the loop on relevancy for every student in every module of every class. Too often in our classes we present history, equations, assorted facts, data and retrospective analyses without supplying the current and future context of application of all of those components. The applicability of the class…

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US Government Accountability Office Releases Long-Awaited Report on OPMs | Policy Matters (May 2022)

Major Updates   US Government Accountability Office Releases Long-Awaited Report on OPMs The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a highly anticipated report following a multi-year review of the relationships between Online Program Managers (OPMs) and universities. In their report, they recommended some changes around how the Department of Education deals with universities and…

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Credential Train Is Leaving the Station—Get on Board

In 1997, Sylvia Manning, then VPAA of the University of Illinois system, later president of the Higher Learning Commission, declared, “The online learning train is leaving the station—get on board or be left behind!” That prescient message by one of higher education’s most astute leaders of the past quarter century certainly proved to be true.…

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Communicating the Realities of Higher Ed in 2022

This is a challenging time to lead, as a provost, dean, director or department chair at a college or university. That is not to say that there are not successes and rewards to be achieved, but they come harder than in decades past. One can say that every era in our field has brought challenges.…

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Biden Administration Extends Student Loan Pause Through August 31; Signals Debt Cancellation | Policy Matters (April 2022)

Major Updates Biden Administration Extends Student Loan Pause Through August 31; Signals Debt Cancellation Citing the ongoing COVID pandemic and the economic consequences of it, Federal Student Aid (FSA) has extended the federal student loan relief to borrowers which began in March 2020 through August 31, 2022. All student loans that are federally held will…

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A Tale of 2 Communities (of Learners)

This is a rather dark Dickensian time in higher education, caught in the storm of societal and economic sea change. Yet, there is hope for those institutions who recognize and respond to the changes that are upon us. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of…

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Engaging Learners for Relevancy and Retention

Too often we assess our own learning by how pleasant the learning experience is, rather than assessing retention as well as how authentically relevantly and meaningfully those experiences and outcomes apply to real-life situations. For nearly half of my faculty career, I taught mostly through a face-to-face lecture mode. Yes, I dabbled in simulations and…

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Significant Changes on Distance Education Regulations Considered as Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Concludes | Policy Matters (March 2022)

Major Updates Significant Changes on Distance Education Regulations Considered as Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Concludes | Consensus on Only Two of Seven Issue Papers Reached The Institutional and Programmatic Eligibility Committee’s final session at the US Department of Education concluded this month, resulting in consensus on language around two issues: Ability To Benefit, and the 90/10…

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