In-House or Outsource? UPCEA/University of Louisville study explores factors at play in deciding to work with an OPM

New Research Offers Insights into the Criteria and Contractual Agreements Chief Online Learning Officers (COLOs) Consider When Deciding to Work With an OPM LOUISVILLE, KY and WASHINGTON, DC (October 6, 2022) — With the explosive growth of online learning and the accompanying rise of online program managers (OPMs), Chief Online Learning Officers (COLOs) at higher…

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Faculty Teaching the Way They Were Taught

Whether you consider teaching an art, craft, science, or profession, it is clear that K-12 teachers are more fully prepared than many of us who teach in higher ed. Teacher education programs leading to elementary and secondary certification often require significantly more than the traditional 120 credit hours for the baccalaureate degree. With required teaching history,…

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National Student Parent Month Declared September 2022 | Policy Matters

Major Updates   Public Comment Open on WIOA Indicator of Performance: Effectiveness in Serving Employers The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) legislation denotes that the programs that are part of the bill be measured by six primary indicators of performance. Current regulations define only five of the six indicators. Previously, the Department of Labor…

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Imagine We Are Starting a University Now

In so very many ways, we in higher education have fallen behind business, industry, governments, and society as a whole. We are offering programs and products that may have been relevant 50 or a hundred years ago but are not in touch with the society of the fourth industrial revolution. Learners currently are given few forward-thinking,…

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Longevity Declining Among Higher Ed Employees: What is There to Lose?

More than half of college employees say they are likely to leave their jobs in the next year as reported in a new survey by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, CUPA-HR. The most common reasons listed for seeking new employment were the prospect of higher pay, an opportunity to work remotely,…

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Biden Administration Announces Long-Awaited Student Debt Forgiveness, Signals End of Student Loan Payment Pause | Policy Matters (August 2022)

Major Updates Biden Administration Announces Long-Awaited Student Debt Forgiveness, Signals End of Student Loan Payment Pause After years of anticipation, the Biden Administration rolled out its student debt forgiveness and repayment package. While the $10,000 in forgiveness for any individual making less than $125k per year (or $250k jointly) which was included in the final…

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Higher Ed – Meet GPT-3: We Will Never Be the Same!

We have read for years that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will make us more efficient and effective. Certainly, we are seeing the impact today in gathering big data; identifying and predicting trends; and in providing quick answers to the run-of-the-mill questions from students and others about calendars, processes, and services. We are seeing chatbots supporting those in…

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Conference Committee Nixes Short-Term Job Training Pell Grants from Final Compromise Computer Chip Bill | Policy Matters (July 2022)

Major Updates Conference Committee Nixes Short-Term Job Training Pell Grants from Final Compromise Computer Chip Bill After months of internal negotiations between a conference committee working out differences between the House and Senate passed legislation focusing on competitiveness with China, a much narrower compromise bill has come forth. Smaller than the House of Representatives’ original…

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The Failing Links in Higher Ed

Higher education is suffering from the failure of a couple of essential linkages, resulting in mega-declines in enrollments—down three million over the past decade. I think of higher education as a long chain of processes, services and functionalities that are broadly designed to improve society as a whole. These include such links in the chain…

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U.S. Department of Education Announces Regulatory Agenda; Pushes Some Rulemaking Issues to Next Federal Calendar | Policy Matters (June 2022)

Major Updates U.S. Department of Education Announces Regulatory Agenda; Pushes Some Rulemaking Issues to Next Federal Calendar The Department of Education released their Spring 2022 Agenda and Regulatory Plan, providing timelines and intended regulations they will release this year, and which they will push until the next yearly cycle. The Department broke apart the recent…

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