OPMs: Partners in Online Education

The Online Program Management (OPM) market is undergoing significant change. The Department of Education has stated that they would engage in negotiated rulemaking on Third-Party Servicers, and individual states, such as Minnesota, are taking action to ban revenue share agreements ahead of any federal direction. This has sparked concern about the future of OPM partnerships…

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How to Use Technology to Enhance Leadership and Workforce Development

There’s no denying that the landscape of leadership and workforce development has evolved significantly over the past several years. As time progresses, it becomes apparent that technology has an increasingly present role in enhancing the quality and scope of higher education programs. If your institution is seeking practical ways to improve leadership development and educational…

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How the Education Department Wants to Police Online Education (Inside Higher Ed)

The Education Department wants to collect much more information about distance education courses and the students enrolled in them as part of a broader effort to increase oversight of online programs. The department’s proposal would require colleges and universities to take attendance in distance education classes, which include those offered online or via correspondence. Institutions…

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Major Gaps in Tracking of Higher Ed Marketing Metrics: New Report

Higher Ed Marketing Metrics Research Study: What Gets Measured Gets Managed report cover

Search Influence and UPCEA Establish Higher Ed Marketing Cost Benchmarks in Joint Industry Report NEW ORLEANS, LA., July 30, 2024 — Search Influence, a leading higher education digital marketing agency, and UPCEA, the online and professional education association, announced their co-authored Higher Ed Marketing Metrics Research Report. The study establishes industry-first benchmarks for marketing cost…

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Developing Organizational Leaders in the Online, Continuing, and Professional Education Landscape

These days, educational institutions and organizations face a number of challenges when it comes to developing effective leaders—particularly in the online, continuing, and professional education realms. From difficulties catering to diverse learners to struggles adapting to emerging technologies, being able to navigate these challenges is crucial. Fortunately, with the right organizational leadership in place, it is possible…

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UPCEA Receives Grant from Walmart to Scale Engagement Between Employers and Higher Ed

Significant second grant will drive adoption of new models for engaging employers in credential innovation WASHINGTON (July 24, 2024) – UPCEA, the online and professional education association, is honored to receive a $600,000 grant from Walmart to drive innovation in skills-based credentialing with a project titled, “Expanding Institutional Capacity for Employer Engagement in Credential Innovation.” …

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Majority of Grads Wish They’d Been Taught AI in College (Inside Higher Ed)

A majority of college graduates believe generative artificial intelligence tools should be incorporated into college classrooms, with more than half saying they felt unprepared for the workforce, according to a new survey from Cengage Group, an education-technology company. The survey, released today, found that 70 percent of graduates believe basic generative AI training should be integrated…

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“What? Like It’s Hard?” The Legal Profession’s Great Makeover

When Elle Woods strutted into Harvard Law School, clad head to toe in pink, she broke the mold for what an aspiring law student should look like. And, if market data is to be believed, the legal profession itself may be headed for a similarly unexpected makeover. The 2023 Future Ready Lawyer Survey revealed that…

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Your marketing team knows AI is the new jackpot. What hinders its growth? (University Business)

Many higher education marketing and enrollment management teams are on board with integrating AI into their everyday job functions, but timid leadership and a lack of resources are inhibiting widespread adoption and experimentation, a new report from UPCEA and EducationDynamics declares. The organizations surveyed over 120 professionals, finding respondents were optimistic about integrating emerging technologies, with 80% citing…

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Three Steps to Help Enrollment Managers Lead in a Challenging Environment

Many institutions are facing significant financial hurdles and enrollment managers are called upon now more than ever to solve the multiple challenges related to enrollment issues including low numbers, diversification of learners to include the growing number and importance of adult learners, international enrollments, and tension between undergraduate and graduate program enrollments. Changing our current…

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