Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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Could a quantum leap someday aid ethical AI? (Pew Research Center)

As they considered the potential evolution of ethical AI design, the people responding to this canvassing were given the opportunity to speculate as to whether quantum computing (QC), which is still in its early days of development, might somehow be employed in the future in support of …


Is the Future of Higher Education a Subscription Model? (MarketScale)

Online learning was steadily growing pre-pandemic. Then it reached a considerable acceleration, but universities are taking a new look at their model to continue gaining new students and remaining solvent. The answer could be subscription-based learning. Discussing this topic and more, Voices of eLearning host…

[Snap Poll Results] Future Topics

[Snap Poll Results] Future Topics

Experiencing a pandemic was new ground for all of us. A new economy was also emerging and as a result of the pandemic, accelerated many industries and dampened others. As a result, higher education clearly was impacted, but must adapt and pivot to align with…


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