Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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College Faculty and Administrators Feel Prepared to Teach Online This Fall and Are Optimistic about the Future of Higher Education, According to New Survey

The Second Digital Learning Pulse Survey, Conducted by Bay View Analytics on Behalf of OLC, WCET, UPCEA, CDLRA and Cengage, Looks at the Needs of Higher Education Institutions in the Wake of COVID-19 September 22, 2020 — U.S. higher education faculty and administrators agree that…

The New Adult Learner: Lessons Learned from Reality Television

The New Adult Learner: Lessons Learned from Reality Television

When reality television exploded into our culture two decades ago, I will admit that I was hooked on Survivor. I enjoyed the principles of competition, teamwork, manipulation and human behavior as they apply in life and in the workplace. It was also about intergenerational and…


Hands-on Classes at a Distance and the Emerging Virtual Future

The rush to remote learning this year has prompted concern and a flurry of work-arounds to meet the needs of hands-on classes and curricula. As much of the curriculum has moved online, faculty members and instructional designers have adapted content delivery methods and modes to…


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