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[Webinar Recording] Vision21: Key Predictions that Higher Education Can’t Afford to Ignore

Originally held Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 1:00 PM ET

In the midst of profound disruption rendered by the 2020 pandemic, agility, creativity, and acumen will serve as key strategic underpinnings for higher education in 2021. Institutions will need to look beyond 2020’s short-term solutions to more proactive approaches stemming from social, technological, curriculum, financial, and policy trends re-shaping the educational landscape at an increasing velocity. Join leading thinkers as they highlight important developments that emerged in 2020, and make predictions for 2021 and beyond that will impact UPCEA members.


  • John O’Brien, President and CEO, EDUCAUSE
  • Julie Peller, Executive Director, Higher Learning Advocates
  • David Schejbal, President, Excelsior College
  • Moderator: Goldie Blumenstyk, Senior Writer, Chronicle of Higher Education



The recording is available to view in the embedded player, above, or here.

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