UPCEA Benchmarking Research & Consulting

Custom Benchmarking

PCO unit portfolios are just as diverse and unique as institutions themselves, yet they often share similar processes and operations. Lacking best practices in operational areas that rarely see the light of day, you may wonder, “how are others doing X?” with X being any number of things (i.e. revenue sharing with academic departments, hiring non-credit instructors, providing learner services). 

Custom benchmarking provides institutions with answers to specific questions that can lead to process improvement and resource allocation. Get your questions answered by your peers that understand YOUR context.

Custom benchmarking efforts may coincide with UPCEA's monthly snap polls and can revolve around a specific data point, such as how adjunct faculty are paid (i.e., by course, by headcount, by credit hour, etc.) or a broader topic. UPCEA's membership is often leveraged in this research.

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Pricing starts at $4,999

Typical time to completion: Varies by project scope and size



Need timely, actionable recommendations on issues facing your online and professional education unit? Contact us today: [email protected] or call us at 202-659-3130.


Second Opinion—Free Consulting Service for Members!

Seeking timely, expert advice—or, a "second opinion?" Our lead consultants are available to provide brief, rapid responses for members who have questions about all aspects of professional, continuing, and online education programs and strategy. Members can request a thirty-minute phone consultation free of charge.