Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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From Badging to Blockchain: Documenting Skills Learned

Employers are seeking graduates with both hard and soft skills that enable them to be effective employees on day one. Are we documenting those skills for our grads? Increasingly, higher education is placed in the position of updating and upgrading the curriculum to assure that…


Nearly Half of Faculty Say Pandemic Changes to Teaching Are Here to Stay (Campus Technology)

In a recent survey, the majority of faculty (71 percent) reported that their teaching in Fall 2020 was “very different” or included a “number of changes” compared to pre-pandemic times. And almost half (47 percent) felt those changes would remain in place post-pandemic. That’s according…


Policy Matters | American Rescue Plan Act Passes – Includes Significant Relief Dollars to Higher Education (March 2021)

Major Updates  American Rescue Plan Act Passes – Includes Significant Relief Dollars to Higher Education The most recent COVID relief bill, one of America’s largest in terms of dollars spent ($1.9 trillion), and Joe Biden’s first major legislation as President, provided a marked increase in…


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