Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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UPCEA Recognizes University of Phoenix for Excellence in Online Learning

University of Phoenix receives recognition for a high-quality online education program   WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 6, 2021) — UPCEA, the association for college and university leaders in professional, continuing, and online education, announced today that the University of Phoenix successfully completed the UPCEA Hallmarks of…


Evaluating Online Teaching: Interviewing Instructors with 10+ Years Experience

We have been discussing online learning efficacy since its inception, with conversations and research focusing on factors such as student outcomes, pedagogy, student support, and community building in online courses and programs. All of these areas of focus are important, as they can point to…


Biden Administration Introduces FY 2022 Discretionary Budget, American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan | Policy Matters (April 2021)

Major Updates Biden Administration Introduces FY 2022 Discretionary Budget, American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan Over the past month, on the heels of passing the American Rescue Plan, we have now been provided with the Biden Administration’s outlay for the second and third stages…


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