Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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Growing ‘maze’ of education credentials is confusing consumers, employers (The Washington Post)

[…] There is, in fact, a “maze” of nearly a million unique education credentials in the United States, the nonprofit Credential Engine reports, including not only degrees but also badges, certificates, licenses, apprenticeships and industry certifications. More have popped up during the pandemic as career-switchers…


Infrastructure Bill Passes + Build Back Better Act Gets Blocked | Policy Matters (December 2021)

Major Updates Infrastructure Bill Passes + Build Back Better Act Gets Blocked President Biden signed the Infrastructure Bill into law in the middle of November, with bipartisan support. The bill contained significant investments in broadband infrastructure and affordability, and ways in which institutions of higher…


Don’t miss these recent research studies from CRS

The Center for Research and Strategy has recently completed some exciting new research with a few of our corporate partners on different facets of today’s (and tomorrow’s) learners. While each of these efforts provide their own unique benefit, the suite of reports can be leveraged…


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