Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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The Impact of the New Adult Learner – Trends in Higher Education in 2023

A decade ago, the buzz phrase was the Internet of Things or IoT. Cell phones had limited power and apps were just starting to bridge the internet with mobile devices. Uber had only recently launched (2010). Online banking was in its early stages of acceptance…


A Dozen Years of Decline

For 150 years dating back to the 1800s, college enrollment in the U.S. experienced annual growth in enrollments with only a handful of short-term drops during wars and other major societal events. That record of steady increases was disrupted a dozen years ago, by the recession of…


Congressional Members Request Information from Department on OPM Revenue Sharing | Policy Matters (December 2022)

Major Updates Congressional Members Request Information from Department on OPM Revenue Sharing Following previous congressional outreach on the matter, a new letter to Secretary Cardona from Senators Murray, Warren, Smith, and House members Scott and DeLauro as been issued. It highlighted again the increased pressure…


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