Policy Matters: Primers and Insights

Helping you navigate policy frameworks critical to higher education in the United States

As institutions of higher education continue to innovate with online courses and professional continuing education programs, having a general understanding of the regulatory landscape that such initiatives are subject to is critical to their long-term success. These resources provide an introduction to foundational topics in federal legislation and regulations impacting online and professional continuing education for universities and colleges.

Introduction to the Online Learning Regulatory Landscape

How the “Regulatory Triad” Applies to Online and Interstate Learning Experiences.

As institutions of higher education continue to innovate with online courses and programs, having a general understanding of the regulatory landscape that such initiatives are subject to is critical to their long-term success. The geographic reach of these programs (e.g., whether offered only in the institution’s home state, nationally, or internationally) can introduce new jurisdictions beyond what the institution may have explored for any in-person program. Moreover, online programs can be subject to a variety of additional definitions, regulations, and expectations from enforcement agencies and accreditors that are unique to the instructional modality regardless of where such programs are being offered. 

This resource provides an introduction to foundational topics for online education regulatory compliance in the United States.

Access our Introduction to the Online Learning Regulatory Landscape: Brief and Primer

An Introduction to Negotiated Rulemaking for Higher Education

How stakeholders come together with the federal government to influence, and provide expertise on, the implementation and execution of regulations.

Negotiated Rulemaking (Neg Reg) is a process used by the U.S. Department of Education to develop federal regulations for implementing the Higher Education Act (HEA), a law that governs federal higher education programs, including federal financial aid. This process is particularly important for regulations under Title IV (federal financial aid) and teacher quality enhancement. Unlike other federal agencies, the Department of Education frequently uses Neg Reg, though the Education Secretary can waive this requirement in certain situations. This process is crucial for higher education institutions, as it regularly creates regulations that impact their operations. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to penalties like fees, reimbursement of student tuition, or ineligibility for Title IV funds.

Access our Introduction to Negotiated Rulemaking for Higher Education: Brief and Primer

Policy Matters: Newsletter

As a compliment to our Policy Matters: Briefs and Insights, you can also keep up to date on the latest through our monthly Policy Matters Newsletter.

Below you can find the latest versions of the newsletter. You can also find a full archive of the Newsletter found here.

White House Releases Vision for Higher Education Act Reform

The White House released their vision of what reforms should be made to the Higher Education Act (HEA) during the reauthorization of it in Congress.  It’s proposals within mirror the budget it also proposed just one week prior. Some of the major retooling includes: changing accreditation process to focus on outcomes; a significant cut for…

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Trump Administration Releases Budget Cutting Approximately 10% of ED Funding

On Monday March 11th, the Trump administration released their budget proposal for the 2020 fiscal year. Included in the proposal is a $7.1 billion cut to the Department of Education, approximately equal to 10% of its total current operational budget. These proposals follow similar attempts in past budgets the administration has put forward. The cuts…

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Education Organizations Release Federal Policy Briefs Addressing Needed Modernizations To Higher Education Regulations

Briefs Authored by UPCEA, OLC, and WCET Cover Competency-Based Education, Financial Aid, Regular and Substantive Interaction, and State Authorization WASHINGTON, DC – February 27, 2019 – Today, three organizations in higher education—UPCEA, OLC and WCET—have issued a set of policy briefs relating to necessary changes to federal regulations affecting the professional, continuing, and online education…

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