Industry Insights

Valuable insights from UPCEA's trusted corporate partners.

Drive Success: Using Recruitment SEO to Fill Higher Education Seats

July 2, 2024

  Higher education marketing teams face a critical challenge: adapting to how learners now discover and explore educational programs. From the first touchpoint to application completion, marketers must ensure a seamless experience for prospective students and maintain their presence throughout the enrollment funnel. This makes recruitment SEO more important now than ever before. With fewer…

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Future-Focused: Laying the Groundwork for Student Success with an Effective Orientation

July 1, 2024

Butler University has long been recognized for its commitment to providing high-quality education and fostering the development of well-rounded professionals. The Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program has been a cornerstone of the university’s academic offerings for decades. Through a continuous commitment to improvement, Butler has embraced innovative approaches to ensure its offerings remain relevant and…

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5 Strategies for Online Growth: New Insights from a Survey of Students

June 10, 2024

In a new national study of the preferences and expectations of online students, RNL has identified five interconnected strategies that institutions must have in place at the core of their growth strategy. The data are drawn from a survey of 1,500 prospective and current online students administered just two months ago.    The survey asked students…

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New guide offers colleges a playbook for building an in-house student coaching program

May 24, 2024

Fuel student support services on your campus — and sustain the impact for years to come The challenges facing higher ed today are both daunting and well-known: declining enrollment, student retention and staff burnout. The solutions, however, are harder to come by. With resources already stretched thin, how can colleges and universities build capacity for the…

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DIYing an OPM: Build, outsource, or blend?

May 3, 2024

Learner preference for digital experiences continues to rise as questions about the OPM model mount from regulatory bodies and OPM customers. UPCEA’s recent snap poll found that 61% of higher ed leaders anticipate making changes to their OPM partnerships in the next 1–2 years.   As colleges and universities contemplate developing internal capacity and expertise for…

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Other Blogs and News:

UPCEA Receives Grant from Walmart to Scale Engagement Between Employers and Higher Ed

Significant second grant will drive adoption of new models for engaging employers in credential innovation WASHINGTON (July 24, 2024) – UPCEA, the online and professional education association, is honored to receive a $600,000 grant from Walmart to drive innovation in skills-based credentialing with a project titled, “Expanding Institutional Capacity for Employer Engagement in Credential Innovation.” …

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Majority of Grads Wish They’d Been Taught AI in College (Inside Higher Ed)

A majority of college graduates believe generative artificial intelligence tools should be incorporated into college classrooms, with more than half saying they felt unprepared for the workforce, according to a new survey from Cengage Group, an education-technology company. The survey, released today, found that 70 percent of graduates believe basic generative AI training should be integrated…

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“What? Like It’s Hard?” The Legal Profession’s Great Makeover

When Elle Woods strutted into Harvard Law School, clad head to toe in pink, she broke the mold for what an aspiring law student should look like. And, if market data is to be believed, the legal profession itself may be headed for a similarly unexpected makeover. The 2023 Future Ready Lawyer Survey revealed that…

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Your marketing team knows AI is the new jackpot. What hinders its growth? (University Business)

Many higher education marketing and enrollment management teams are on board with integrating AI into their everyday job functions, but timid leadership and a lack of resources are inhibiting widespread adoption and experimentation, a new report from UPCEA and EducationDynamics declares. The organizations surveyed over 120 professionals, finding respondents were optimistic about integrating emerging technologies, with 80% citing…

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Four Steps to Help Enrollment Managers Lead in a Challenging Environment

Many institutions are facing significant financial hurdles and enrollment managers are called upon now more than ever to solve the multiple challenges related to enrollment issues including low numbers, diversification of learners to include the growing number and importance of adult learners, international enrollments, and tension between undergraduate and graduate program enrollments.  Changing our current…

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How will the rise of AI in the workplace impact liberal arts education? (Higher Ed Dive)

Demand for liberal arts education has declined in recent years as students increasingly eye college programs that directly prepare them for jobs. But according to many tech and college experts, as businesses launch advanced AI tools or integrate such technology into their operations, liberal arts majors will become more coveted.  That’s because employers will need…

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