Association Awards
The Association Awards Program includes recognition of both individual and institutional achievement across the UPCEA membership.
At the 1953 Annual Conference of the National University Extension Association (NUEA), which was the forerunner of UPCEA, Robert Browne of the University of Illinois gave a speech honoring Tom Shelby, retiring Dean of the Division of Extension at the University of Texas. Browne conferred on Shelby the FX Key in honor of service to extension. Engraved on the key was "Fellow of Extension," the year, and the Association's initials. This was the first recognition award given by the Association.
Since 1953, the Association's Awards Program has grown to include Association-wide, Regional, and Network awards. Through these awards, UPCEA recognizes its members' outstanding contributions to the Association and the field, as well as their achievements in innovative programming, marketing and promotion, community development and services, research and publications, and many other areas.
Nominations for the 2025 Association Awards have closed. Nominations for the 2026 Association Awards will open in late summer 2025.
To see the rubrics used to review award nominations, click here.
To see member-curated resources for submitting award nominations, click here.
Individual Awards
Click the award names below to see more information about the award.
The award is not necessarily given each year, but only when a deserving person appears on the scene who has fulfilled noteworthy assignments, written books of great significance to professional, continuing, and/or online education, or rendered long and distinguished administrative, legislative or judicial services that have advanced the cause of our field.
The nominee need not be affiliated with a UPCEA member institution.
Nominations from the potential recipient's own institution or staff are specifically excluded.
Nomination Procedure
Complete a narrative statement of not more than three pages, listing specific reasons why the nominee is worthy of this award.
Include a current vita of the nominee.
Solicit two to four recommendations from colleagues (including but not limited to academic partners or those in business and industry) who can attest to the nominee's qualifications.
The Ray Schroeder Leadership Award for the Advancement of Digital Learning recognizes the lifetime achievements and professionalism of online and digital learning practitioners. Awardees have had long and distinguished careers, advancing the cause of online and digital learning in postsecondary education. Award recipients have elevated the field, advanced scholarship, demonstrated intellectual curiosity, and embodied a pioneering spirit, through both academic and more publicly available publications, research, advocacy, and mentorship.
The award is not necessarily given each year.
The nominee need not be affiliated with an UPCEA member institution.
Nominations from the potential recipient's own institution or staff are specifically excluded.
Criteria for Nomination
Longstanding leadership and service to the postsecondary online and digital learning community.
Exemplify the qualities and competencies of a Chief Online Learning Officer (COLO).
Having broadly served the online postsecondary community by freely sharing knowledge, experience, materials, ideas, and support; mentoring colleagues; and exercising innovative and/or equity-minded leadership.
Having both notable career accomplishments at their own institution and broadly.
Being recognized as a thought leader and innovator in online learning for a significant amount of time (~10 years).
Nomination Procedure
Complete a narrative statement of not more than three pages, listing specific reasons why the nominee is worthy of this award.
Include a current vita of the nominee.
Solicit two to four recommendations from colleagues (including but not limited to academic partners or those in business and industry) who can attest to the nominee's qualifications.
The award is presented in honor of the late Phillip E. Frandson, former Dean of UCLA Extension and 1977-78 UPCEA President. The award recognizes excellence in achievement for literature written about the theory or practice of professional, continuing, and/or online education.
Benefits to the Award Winner
The award recipient draws the attention of an international community of professional, continuing, and online education leaders. Benefits include:
- The winning book is entitled to display the Frandson Book Award emblem on the cover for current and all future press runs.
- The winning book and sales information about it will be displayed prominently in the exhibitionhall of the UPCEA 2025 Annual Conference, hosted in Denver, CO, March 24-26.
- The author(s) of the winning book will be invited to host a webinar and/or a concurrent session at the UPCEA 2025 Annual Conference on the topic.
- The author(s) also receives an attractive Frandson Book Award plaque.
Award Criteria
Nominated books will be reviewed by the UPCEA Frandson Award Committee composed of scholars and practitioners in the field of professional, continuing, and online higher education. The Award is reserved for extraordinary works that make significant contributions to the field. Thus, the Award may not be given each year. The 2025 Phillip E. Frandson Award for Literature will be presented to the author(s) of a book or monograph which best satisfies the following criteria:
- The work is published in 2024.
- The work is important to the theory or practice of professional, continuing, and online higher education.
- The work exemplifies originality and a superior quality of prose in the English language.
Eligible content includes:
- Management and leadership in professional, continuing, and online education,
- Adult education and innovative instructional strategies,
- Adults as learners,
- Distance education and instructional design,
- Marketing and/or financial management for professional, continuing, and online education,
- Examination of the future of professional, continuing, and online education,
- Role of lifelong learning in economic development, globalization and broader public policy issues.
Nomination Procedure
- Nominations are invited from authors, editors, publishers, and individuals.
- Please send one copy of the nominated work to each member of the review committee. Works not sent to each committee member and the chair may be disqualified.
- Full nomination procedure details for the 2025 awards are available here.
Click here to view past Phillip E. Frandson Award recipients.
The purpose of the Walton S. Bittner Service Citation is to express appreciation to a member for outstanding service professional, continuing, and/or online education at his/her institution, and service of major significance to UPCEA. The award is not necessarily given each year.
The nominee must be a UPCEA member.
He/she must have contributed substantially to the development and maintenance of his/her institution’s professional, continuing, and/or online education activity and UPCEA through services performed over a period of years.
Nominations must be from deans and directors on behalf of members of their staff.
Nomination Procedure:
Complete a narrative statement of not more than three pages, listing specific reasons why the nominee is worthy of this award. Include a current vita of the nominee.
Solicit three to five recommendations from colleagues (including but not limited to academic partners or those in business and industry) who can attest to the nominee's qualifications.
The Dorothy Durkin Strategic Innovation Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated achievement in strategic planning, marketing innovation, and/or enrollment management that has been used to position or reposition an institution of higher learning, to increase enrollment numbers, to improve or diversify the applicant pool, or to develop new educational products and services that meet the demands of the evolving marketplace.
Nominees must exhibit a keen understanding of trends in employment and education, and must be both creative and strategic thinkers who are able to advance an institution or a program through the development and execution of innovative marketing and/or enrollment management plans.
Dorothy Durkin transformed the NYU School of Professional Studies over the course of a 40-year career focused on staying ahead of the curve in advertising, data-driven decision-making, and student relationship management. Coaching and mentoring was important to her, as were the relationships she fostered through UPCEA. Her definition of success included commitment to integrating creativity, research, sound business practices, and student success.
The nominee must be a UPCEA member.
The nominee must be shown to have a passion for new ideas that provide the basis for innovative marketing and/or successful enrollment management practices.
The nominee must be shown to possess the ability to identify and to analyze trends in the marketplace that drive educational goals and objectives and/or the decision-making process of prospective students, and to use this intelligence to build effective marketing and enrollment management plans.
The nominee must have demonstrated a specific situation where his or her actions helped to either: favorably position or reposition an educational institution, program, or service in the marketplace; increase or diversify the applicant pool, or develop new educational products and services that serve the evolving marketplace.
The nomination should include examples of the nominee having used creativity and innovation, as well as research-based marketing approaches and post-tactic evaluative and documentation.
The nomination also should reference the nominee’s efforts to disseminate, to the field, lessons learned and best practices employed
The nomination should include references as to how the nominee supports the motivation and objectives for the award.
Nomination Procedure:
Complete a narrative statement that substantiates why the person warrants nomination, including:
- Testimonials from those who have been impacted by the nominee.
- Recommendations from colleagues and/or supervisors.
- Provide concrete illustrations of the outcomes of the work done, including quantitative proof of success.
- Provide a current vita or résumé for the nominee.
To recognize outstanding individual contributions in operations, entrepreneurial, and intra-preneurial work that move an UPCEA member institution into a more favorable position, specifically in financial, human, administrative and IT operations in professional, continuing and online units at postsecondary institutions. The award also recognizes achievements and contributions to the UPCEA Business & Operations Network and may include in sharing, illustrating, demonstrating, best practices and/or emerging trends in all aspects of business and operations for the professional, continuing, and online units at UPCEA member institutions.
This award is planned for a single individual.
Demonstrable excellence in one or more of the following areas:
- exemplifying financial and operational leadership, particularly those associated with achieving budgetary and financial growth, supported by financial metrics that show a positive variance
- using technology to achieve financial/operational goals
- implementing changes in workflow to conserve/make better use of resources
- communicating financial information through reporting, including the ability to convey financial information to non-financial audiences
- performing data analysis to identify PCO unit’s challenges, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses
- conducting resource management to achieve PCO unit’s mission
- building and transforming organizational structure(s)
- exemplary character, ethics, and decisive action in times of dire circumstances or emergencies
The nominee must be affiliated with an UPCEA institution.
The innovation, change, analysis, restructuring, or crisis response, increased generation of revenue, containment of expense must have occurred within the past two years prior to the date of the presentation of the award.
Nomination Procedure:
Demonstrable means describable, verifiable, and quantifiable actions are described by the nominator on behalf of the award nominee representing the examples listed above. The nomination should include the following:
- An abstract of no more than 500 words (two paragraphs) that summarizes the submission
- Include a resume/CV of the nominee
- Description of no more than three pages that includes:
- a description of the scenario or situation prior to the implementation of any changes;
- a description of the need or evidence for change;
- the size/magnitude of change per measurable standards;
- the timeline of action(s);
- the summary of outcome(s), including any quantifiable or measurable data; and
- a description of future actions, if process or innovation is incomplete or on-going
- Two letters of recommendation that speak to the impact, scope and breadth of the innovation, change, analysis, or restructuring and how this is representative of entrepreneurial or operational excellence.
The award is not necessarily presented each year. Winners are encouraged to share a brief presentation at the UPCEA Annual Conference.
Nominations from the potential recipient's own institution or staff are welcome. Professional, continuing, and online education leaders may nominate any team member who meets the criteria for the award.
The UPCEA Excellence in Teaching Award is presented to individuals who have provided outstanding teaching, course development, mentoring of students, and service to professional, continuing, and/or online education. This award recognizes those who have made significant contributions to credit or noncredit programs and who have provided inspirational teaching to professional, continuing, and/or online education students.
The nominated individual* must have been employed by and contributed to the instruction of a professional, continuing, and/or online education program of a current UPCEA member institution.
The nominating institution will be asked to create a video highlighting the award recipient, to be shown at the UPCEA Annual Conference. Award recipient attendance at the Annual Conference is not required.
*A nomination may represent 2-3 individuals who have worked closely on the same initiative and would like to be recognized as a “team”.
Nomination Procedure:
Narrative statement of not more than three pages, listing specific reasons why the nominee is worthy of this award. Evidence of outstanding achievements may include, but is not necessarily limited to:
- Brief history indicating the nominee's long-term commitment and contribution to the institution's professional, continuing, and/or online education program
- Specific courses or programs the nominee has developed, coordinated, and/or taught
- Audiences served by this individual
- Effectiveness in teaching and mentoring of students
- Ability to meet student learning objectives
- How the work of this individual has brought credit or recognition to the institution, profession, or community
- Other awards received by this individual, including recognition by the institution
- Any national, regional, state, or local leadership achievements of the nominee (include offices held, committee assignments, etc.)
Current vita of nominee
Summary of student evaluations
Solicit three to five recommendations from colleagues (including but not limited to academic partners or those in business and industry) who can attest to the nominee's qualifications.
UPCEA recognizes globalization as one of the key forces molding higher education today. The Association encourages its member institutions and organizations, to extend their outreach globally and to facilitate international or global professional and professional, continuing, and/or online education in creative and innovative ways. The Association aims to play an active role in preparing individuals for effective participation in a global society by engaging in activities that promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas of global significance.
This award recognizes an individual for representing innovative leadership in one or more of the following areas:
- educational programs and services;
- administrative practices;
- collaborations and partnerships; or
- research
The nominee must be a UPCEA member.
The nominee must have exhibited leadership, creativity and commitment in promising or achieved international impact.
Nominations from subordinates on behalf of superiors from their own institutions are excluded.
The nominee must have demonstrated leadership and innovation in furthering the internationalization of professional, continuing, and/or online education.
Evidence of international impact should include quantitative as well as qualitative measures, if available, such as impact upon students, faculty, communities, institutional reputation, scholarship and research, operational or administrative efficiency or productivity.
Nomination Procedure:
Note: Individuals may self-nominate, be nominated by a colleague (not subordinate), or be nominated by a supervisor or leader.
Substantiate why the individual warrants nomination for the award in international leadership by addressing the award criteria noted above in a narrative statement of no more than 5 pages. Nominations are encouraged to provide multiple forms of evidence of impact which may include statements from multiple individuals. All nominations should include at least two letters of reference or support.
Provide a current vita or resume.
UPCEA and its Commitment to Diversity and Inclusive Excellence encourages understanding, appreciation and the celebration of diversity, and championing equitable access to education—inclusive of all cultures, racial and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, religious beliefs, and disabilities.
The UPCEA Leadership in Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Award recognizes an individual or a program that represents best practices and demonstrates positive impact in promoting cultural shift in the organization that promotes diversity and inclusive excellence. This award will recognize outstanding accomplishment in one or more of the following areas: educational programs and services, administrative practice, workplace culture, community impact, regional economic development, or research. A key element is demonstrating innovative and systematic practices and measurable outcomes to advance the academic success, understanding, or quality of life of diverse perspectives and underrepresented groups. Examples of programs may include those that promote the educational success of diverse students, incorporate diversity and inclusive excellence in the curriculum and instruction, implement inclusive practices and awareness among faculty and/or staff, explore and remove institutional barriers and inequities, among others.
Nomination Criteria – Program:
- At least one representative of the program must be an active member of UPCEA.
- The group or program exhibits and provides evidence of the criteria listed below:
- Supports an institutional commitment to diversity and inclusive excellence.
- Delivers a positive impact by promoting cultural shifts in the organization that promotes diversity and inclusive excellence.
- Represents an outstanding accomplishment in educational programs and services, administrative practice, workplace culture, community impact, regional economic development, and/or research.
- Embodies innovative and systematic practices to advance the academic success, understanding, or quality of life of diverse perspectives and groups.
Nomination Procedure – Program Nomination:
A narrative statement of not more than three pages (not including attachments) that includes: an overview of the program including its goals and target audience; describes the assessment plan; evidence of program outcomes and sustained impact; program evaluation data (observing FERPA/HIPAA regulations); future benchmarks; and the organizational resources and/or commitment to the program.
Nomination Criteria – Individual:
- The nominee must be an active member of UPCEA.
- The nominee exhibits and provides evidence of the criteria listed below:
- Champions diversity and inclusive excellence within their institution.
- Engages in regular activities which promote cultural shifts within the organization, promoting diversity and inclusive excellence.
- Recent career achievements represent outstanding accomplishment in educational programs and services administrative practice, workplace culture, community impact, and/or research.
- Proposes and advocates for innovative and systematic practices to advance the academic success, understanding, or quality of life of diverse perspectives and groups.
Nomination Procedure – Individual Nomination:
A narrative statement of not more than three pages (excluding attachments) that includes an overview of the contributions made by the individual in terms of inclusive-excellence initiatives, impact, and advocacy work. Please attach artifacts which demonstrate impact, such as conference proceedings presented by the nominee, workshops developed by and/or delivered by the nominee, or publications authored by the nominee. Include a resume/CV of the nominee.
Instructional Design is necessary for the development of engaging quality teaching and learning experiences across a wide variety of modalities and contexts. The UPCEA Outstanding Service in Postsecondary Instructional Design Award recognizes outstanding service to the field of instructional design in one or more of the following areas: modeling and disseminating research (via workshops, webinars, conferences, papers, etc.), best practices, innovative methods, and/or mentorship, all for the betterment of the instructional design community. This award celebrates the connective power of instructional design professionals within the learning design process, chiefly their role in highlighting the critical need for educators of all roles to work in partnership in support of student success.
- Nominee’s primary position is that of an instructional/multimedia designer, (or other titles with the same role/focus, such as technologist, learning experience designer, learning engineer, etc. are permitted). While individuals with faculty appointments are eligible for this award, those with primarily teaching faculty roles or non-instructional design staff are not eligible for this award.
- Nominee has a significant track record of contributing to and serving the design and development of the instructional design profession through multiple avenues, which may include any combination of the following: professional community engagement, peer or faculty development, demonstrating best practices, fostering innovation, conducting and disseminating research, and/or continually striving to stay on the cutting edge of the multifacets of the field (ie. accessibility, course quality, pedagogy/andragogy, tools, technology) that contribute to the advancement of their profession.
- Nominee is acknowledged as a skilled practitioner and acknowledged by their peers as a thought leader in the field of instructional design.
- The nominee (or their institution/organization) will be a member of UPCEA.
- Self-nominations will be accepted provided that applicants still include the required recommendations from colleagues.
Nomination Procedure
- Complete a narrative statement of not more than two pages, listing specific reasons why the nominee is worthy of this award, providing a brief history of the nominee's long-term commitment and contribution to postsecondary instructional design. This narrative should address the detailed criteria for evaluation:
- Number of years of continuous service to the instructional design field
- Types of contributions made to the field, to include but not limited to professional community engagement, peer or faculty development, demonstrating best practices, fostering innovation, conducting and disseminating research, and/or continually striving to stay on the cutting edge of the multifacets of the field (ie. accessibility, course quality, pedagogy/andragogy, tools, technology) that contribute to the advancement of their profession
- Impact of contributions within and beyond their organization (number of students, faculty, colleagues, institutions/organizations served by their contributions to the field)
- Overall commitment to collaboration, innovation, and collegiality amongst instructional designers through contributions of mentorship and the sharing of effective practices across the field
- A third page consisting solely of links to social media accounts, presentations, research articles, or other broadly available sources may be included to demonstrate the nominee’s willingness to share knowledge in the field. This third page can be omitted if this information appears on the nominee’s resume/CV
- Include a resume/CV of the nominee.
- Copy of nominee’s job description or a link to their university bio/title (used to determine eligibility)
- Include two to four recommendations from colleagues (ideally peers with similar roles in postsecondary instructional design) who will provide details on the impact of the nominee’s contributions to the instructional design community at large.
This award emphasizes the value of research as an essential characteristic of the profession of continuing higher education. It is also intended to encourage and stimulate the research efforts of UPCEA members in the field of continuing higher education.
The UPCEA Research and Scholarship Award recognizes either 1) significant new research with implications for professional practice in the field of continuing higher education, or 2) an individual UPCEA member whose long-term commitment to the conduct of exemplary research has made a significant contribution to the literature and professional practice in the field of continuing higher education. Only one award in each category may be given each year.
New Research--A nominated research project must have been conducted at an UPCEA member institution and completed within the last two years, with findings either published or accepted for publication.
Researcher--A nominated individual researcher must be a member of an UPCEA institution. His or her research may be quantitative, qualitative, or historical.
Research Project:
The nominated project may excel in any of the following areas:
- Research findings have strong potential to improve professional practice in the field of continuing higher education
- The research project is informed by and builds upon existing literature
- The research project represents the highest qualities of scholarship.
Individual Researcher:
The nominee will have excelled in the following areas:
- Produced seminal contributions to field consistent with the criteria stated above for a research project;
- Encouraged and enabled graduate students and professional staff to become actively involved in research for the field; Continuously and proactively sought to encourage the implementation of research findings in the practice of continuing higher education;
- Continuously and proactively sought to encourage the implementation of research findings in the practice of continuing higher education.
Nomination Procedure
Completed nominations shall include the following:
Complete a narrative statement of not more than three pages, detailing specific ways in which the nomination meets the criteria above, including a description of how the research was funded.
In the case of a research project, provide a written summary of the research findings.
Submit a current vita/resume of individual nominee or lead researcher(s) for the research project.
Solicit three to five recommendations from colleagues (including but not limited to academic partners or those in business and industry) who can attest to the nominee's qualifications.
Nominations of winners of UPCEA regional research or scholarship awards are particularly welcome.
Adelle Robertson served the Association with distinction and dedication, setting an example for those who would follow. The Adelle F. Robertson Emerging Continuing Professional Educator Award recognizes professionals who demonstrate similar commitment and promise. The award is not necessarily given each year.
This award recognizes the scholarship, leadership and contributions to the profession of a person who has entered the continuing, online, and professional education field in the past five to ten years.
The nominee must be a UPCEA member.
Nomination procedure
Complete a narrative statement of not more than three pages, listing specific reasons why the nominee is worthy of this award.
Include a current vita/resume of the nominee.
Solicit three to five recommendations from colleagues (including but not limited to academic partners or those in business and industry) who can attest to the nominee's qualifications.
These two awards honor nontraditional students who are enrolled in either credit or non-credit programs at UPCEA member institutions, for achievement of excellence in pursuit of professional, continuing, and/or online education. The awards are not necessarily given annually.
The nominating institution will be asked to create a video highlighting the award recipient, to be shown at the UPCEA Annual Conference. Award recipient attendance at the Annual Conference is not required.
Criteria: Credit Students
The nominee must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a UPCEA member institution within the past 12 months, or have graduated no more than one year prior to the time the award is granted.
The nominee must be an adult student who has met the challenge of an unconventional educational background and through individual growth accomplished in pursuit of his/her educational goals, become an inspiration to others.
The nominee shall have effectively managed multiple/significant commitments and responsibilities while engaged in his/her education.
The nominee must be 25 years of age or older.
Criteria: Noncredit Students
The nominee must be enrolled in a noncredit program at a UPCEA member institution within the past 12 months.
The nominee must be an adult student who has achieved excellence in pursuit of his/her educational goals.
The nominee shall have effectively managed multiple/significant commitments and responsibilities while engaged in his/her education.
The nominee must exemplify the best characteristics and standards of the non-degree student.
Nomination Procedure:
Include at least two letters of nomination or support from informed individuals; e.g., an academic department chair or faculty member; dean or director of professional, continuing, and/or online education; president or vice president of the nominee's institution. The letters must address the nominee's accomplishments.
Include a written statement (no more than 3 pages) from the nominee describing his or her achievements with an emphasis on the challenges met while enrolled as a student as well as a current vita or resume.
Include documentation (no more than 3 pages) of the student's excellence in achievements, including material such as grade point average, official transcripts, CEUs, student activities, university involvement, community contributions, employment, job performance, etc.
Program/Institutional Awards
Click the award names below to see more information about the award.
UPCEA recognizes student success is paramount to the mission of every institution of higher education. Professional, continuing, and/or online education units realize they must provide strategic and cross-functional projects, initiatives, and services that maximize success of the adult or non-traditional student. To that end, UPCEA aims to play an active role in preparing members for advancing the success of students in both credit and non-credit programs by acknowledging best practices and initiatives that “move the needle” in the advancement of student success.
This award is aligned with the Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Success Network which engages members in actively building the competencies, skills, and confidences needed to attract and retain students in a changing and competitive marketplace. The award recognizes an institution that has implemented a successful strategic initiative, project, or service that has resulted in significantly advancing the success of adult and/or non-traditional student audiences.
The nominated unit must exhibit a contribution to furthering best practices of adult learner student success.
The nominated unit must demonstrate the initiative was successful in advancing student achievement through innovative, creative, and sustainable measures.
Evidence of student success should include quantitative, as well as qualitative measures, if available, such as the impact upon retention and persistence, student engagement or connection to the university, increasing student opportunities, or program completion.
Included in the nomination should be:
- a description of the initiative identifying the institutional unit
- a statement explaining the goal of the initiative and how objectives were met
- a summary of the initiative’s evaluations.
Development of the initiative, project, or service should be as recent as possible while still allowing for evidence of sustainability and success of reaching target goal(s).The nominated institution must be an UPCEA member.
Institutional and corporate members may submit nominations for this award.
Nomination Procedure:
Note: institutional units may self-nominate.
Substantiate why the institutional unit warrants nomination for the award in advancing student success by addressing the award criteria noted above in a written narrative of no more than 5 pages.
Award Winners
This award is sponsored in part by UPCEA Platinum Industry Partner InsideTrack. A generous award of $2,500 will be given to the selected institution to be used to send a person(s) to UPCEA conferences or seminars within the next 12 months. When possible, institutional unit member(s) should attend the award ceremony at the UPCEA Annual Conference, to receive the award.
This award recognizes exemplary and/or innovative programming by a non-U.S. institution that creates international educational opportunities for students and/or faculty.
We wish to encourage international university and organizational participation with UPCEA through recognition of their efforts to foster global connections. Non-U.S. universities who are engaged in developing and managing professional, continuing, and/or online education for the global students and workforce are eligible for this award. This award may or may not be awarded annually, dependent upon quality of nominations.
The nominator or nominee must be an UPCEA member or a member of one of UPCEA’s affiliated international organizations (i.e., RECLA, CAUCE, UALL, IACEE, ACDEALF, etc.)
The award is restricted to universities or organizations located outside the US and Canada.
The program must engage with students or institutions with a focus on internationalization of professional, continuing, and/or online education.
The program must be educational in nature.
Programs developed need to come from the continuing, professional or online education unit or have a strong relationship/connection to continuing, professional and online education to align with UPCEA’s strategic direction, messaging and new membership demographics.
The program should involve:
- Innovative educational programming
- Innovative program management
It may also be:
- An online program or a virtual campus
- A creative user of social networks
- A program that embeds social responsibility in its design
Nomination Procedure:
Substantiate why the program warrants nomination by addressing each of the award criteria noted above in a narrative statement of no more than 5 pages.
UPCEA recognizes globalization as one of the key forces molding higher education today. The Association encourages its member institutions and organizations, to extend their outreach globally and to facilitate international or global professional and professional, continuing, and/or online education in creative and innovative ways. The Association aims to play an active role in preparing individuals for effective participation in a global society by engaging in activities that promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas of global significance.
This award recognizes a program of excellence in one or more of the following areas:
- educational programs and services;
- administrative practices;
- collaborations and partnerships; or
- research
The nominated program must be a credit or non-credit program offered by a UPCEA member institution within the last two years. The program must have completed at least one cycle to be considered.
A description of the program must include a statement explaining how the program objectives were met and a summary of the program evaluations should be included.
The nominated program must demonstrate innovation, creativity and commitment in achieving international impact. The nominated program must have demonstrated a contribution to furthering the internationalization of the field of professional and professional, continuing, and/or online education and can be replicated or adapted by others. The nomination should address the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of the program.
Evidence of international impact should include quantitative as well as qualitative measures, if available, such as impact upon students, faculty, institutional reputation, operational or administrative efficiency or productivity.
Nomination Procedure:
Substantiate why the program warrants nomination by addressing each of the award criteria noted above in a narrative statement of no more than 5 pages.
These awards honor credit and non-credit professional, continuing, and/or online education programs (one in each category) at UPCEA member institutions for excellence in achieving their educational objectives. The awards are not necessarily given annually.
The nominated program must be a credit or non-credit program offered by an UPCEA member institution within the last two years.
The program must have completed at least one cycle to be considered.
The program must be original in substantive ways.
A description of the program must include a statement explaining how the program objectives were met and a summary of the program evaluations should also be included.
The program must demonstrate a contribution to the field of professional, continuing, and/or online education, which can be replicated by other higher education institutions.
The program must be cost effective in a manner consistent with the stated program objectives.
Nomination Procedure:
Substantiate why the program warrants nomination by addressing each of the award criteria noted above in a written statement of no more than 5 pages.
Nominations of winners of UPCEA regional program awards are particularly welcome.
This award emphasizes the value of research as an essential characteristic of the profession of continuing higher education. It is also intended to encourage and stimulate the research efforts of UPCEA members in the field of continuing higher education.
The UPCEA Research and Scholarship Award recognizes either 1) significant new research with implications for professional practice in the field of continuing higher education, or 2) an individual UPCEA member whose long-term commitment to the conduct of exemplary research has made a significant contribution to the literature and professional practice in the field of continuing higher education. Only one award in each category may be given each year.
New Research--A nominated research project must have been conducted at an UPCEA member institution and completed within the last two years, with findings either published or accepted for publication.
Researcher--A nominated individual researcher must be a member of an UPCEA institution. His or her research may be quantitative, qualitative, or historical.
Research Project:
The nominated project may excel in any of the following areas:
- Research findings have strong potential to improve professional practice in the field of continuing higher education
- The research project is informed by and builds upon existing literature
- The research project represents the highest qualities of scholarship.
Individual Researcher:
The nominee will have excelled in the following areas:
- Produced seminal contributions to field consistent with the criteria stated above for a research project;
- Encouraged and enabled graduate students and professional staff to become actively involved in research for the field;
- Continuously and proactively sought to encourage the implementation of research findings in the practice of continuing higher education;
- Continuously and proactively sought to encourage the implementation of research findings in the practice of continuing higher education.
Nomination Procedure
Completed nominations shall include the following:
Complete a narrative statement of not more than three pages, detailing specific ways in which the nomination meets the criteria above, including a description of how the research was funded.
In the case of a research project, provide a written summary of the research findings.
Submit a current vita/resume of individual nominee or lead researcher(s) for the research project.
Solicit three to five recommendations from colleagues (including but not limited to academic partners or those in business and industry) who can attest to the nominee's qualifications.
Nominations of winners of UPCEA regional research or scholarship awards are particularly welcome.
The award recognizes an institution of higher education (i.e. campus, system, or consortium) that has, at an institutional level, set and met innovative goals focused on online education and been strategic in the planning, development, implementation and sustainability in line with the institutional mission. Examples include, but are not limited to, authentic institutional online organizational structure, partnership models to achieve specific goals, maximizing resource efficiencies, improving the learning experience for faculty and students, or the use of technology and learning design to advance online education and address institutional goals.
This award is aligned with the Online Administration Network which serves to provide shared information, effective practices and networking opportunities for individuals responsible for the management, design, implementation and assessment of online efforts. The network also is intended to bridge the issues and challenges between the administrative functions of online learning and the design of online learning. The award recognizes an institution (broadly defined) that has achieved excellence and innovation in strategies used to meet goals and objectives focused on online education.
The nominated institution must portray tangible achievements in online learning in the past 2 years. Achievements should be recent yet allow for evidence of sustainability and meeting objectives.
The nominated institution should provide data illustrating those achievements as sustainable measures. Evidence should include quantitative as well as qualitative measures, if available, such as the impact on new online degree programs and other online initiatives, involvement of multiple academic and support departments, sustainable financial models, quality assurance, enrollment or student success.
The nomination should include:
- a description of the achievement in online learning identifying the institution
- a statement depicting the goals that were set and how those goals were met
- a summary of outcomes
- a letter of recommendation from a Vice President or Provost supporting the impact that the achievement had on the institution.
The nominated institution must be a UPCEA member. (If it is a multi-campus or consortia nomination at least one must be a UPCEA member.) UPCEA institutional members may submit nominations for this award.
Nomination Procedure
Institutions may self-nominate.
Following the nomination criteria, explain why the institution merits recognition in this award category in a written narrative of no more than 5 pages.
The UPCEA Engagement Award recognizes an outstanding mutually-beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources between a member institution and one or more external constituents such as local communities, corporations, government organizations, or associations. The award recognizes a knowledge partnership with measurable and sustainable shared impact in areas such as economic development, community development, workforce training, or capacity building.
The UPCEA Engagement Award will be presented to the UPCEA member institution/unit and the partner organization(s).
Nomination Procedure:
- A letter of nomination that describes the larger environment in which the program takes place and highlights the partnership’s specific outreach/engagement accomplishments. The partnership must be comprised of a university/college and at least one external partner organization.
- Documentation of the tangible and sustainable impact of the partnership’s outreach/engagement activities on strategic initiatives, citizens, communities, or business and industry. (Provide context for evidence by including relevant information about the environment in which the program takes place.)
- Letters of support from community constituents describing how the outreach and engagement activities benefited all participants.
- UPCEA recognizes that innovation is the life’s blood of online, continuing, and professional education, and is critical in our members keeping up with the changing needs of students, society, and industry. Creating alternative credentials and innovative programs that align with current trends in the workforce will ultimately better serve students in their long term success.
- This award is presented to a higher education institution that has successfully implemented an innovative alternative credential program with positive results.
- Programs should demonstrate the utilization of specific UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Credential Innovation as criteria for nomination and selection. (UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Credential Innovation), including:
- Advocacy and Leadership within the University
- Entrepreneurial Initiative
- University-to-Business Stakeholder Engagement
- The Faculty Experience
- The Learner Experience
- Digital Technology
- External Advocacy and Leadership Beyond the University
- Professionalism
- The nominated program must be an alternative credential program offered by an UPCEA member institution within the last two years.
- The program must have awarded at least one credential to be considered.
- The program must be original in terms of credentialing and pathways to credentials.
- A description of the program must include a statement explaining how the program objectives were met, and a summary of the program evaluations should also be included.
- The program must demonstrate an innovation in credentialing and in providing access, which can then be shared and replicated by other higher education institutions.
- Additional consideration will be given to programs that demonstrate inclusive excellence, recognizing and eliminating inequity and barriers to access.
- The program must be cost effective in a manner consistent with the stated program objectives.
- For programs to be considered, they must come from a continuing, professional or online education unit, or have a strong relationship/connection to continuing, professional, and online education in order to align with UPCEA’s strategic direction, messaging, and new membership demographics.
Nomination Procedure:
- Substantiate why the program warrants nomination by addressing each of the award criteria noted above in a narrative statement of no more than 5 pages.
2024 UPCEA Association Award Recipients
UPCEA would like to congratulate all of the 2024 Association Award recipients! The Association Awards Program includes recognition of both individual and institutional achievement across the UPCEA membership.