Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Education Review
Quality Assurance Reviews by UPCEA
In the spirit of continuous improvement, UPCEA conducts external reviews of centralized and decentralized online enterprises, provides insights and feedback, and recognizes excellence.
The Individual Hallmark Review offers leaders the opportunity to receive feedback and recognition for their quality assurance efforts pertaining to various elements of online education. Institutional leaders may choose to engage in an evaluation of their online efforts relevant to one or several individual hallmarks rather than a review of their entire online enterprise. This targeted review provides leaders with the information they need on a much shorter timeline, allowing them to be recognized for their efforts or address any gaps in operations in a timely manner.
The Comprehensive Review offers leaders the opportunity to receive feedback and recognition for their quality assurance efforts pertaining to online education. This comprehensive review provides leaders with the information they need on all aspects of online education and can be conducted on a variety of online enterprises, including those found within academic colleges or as institution-wide stand-alone entities. Further, it allows the institutional leaders to address gaps in their online efforts holistically, offering insights on how one component of an online operation can have an impact on other areas. Likewise, a comprehensive review provides an opportunity for an institution to be reviewed from an institution-wide perspective, similar to the experience a leader would have during an accreditation review.
The Planning Review offers institutions the opportunity to receive feedback and recognition for their quality assurance efforts pertaining to online education, and develop an action plan leveraging the expertise of the review team. This review is both comprehensive and holistic as it identifies the critical inputs and outputs necessary to achieve the goals articulated by campus leadership. This in-depth review provides leaders with the information they need on all aspects of online education. Further, this review allows the institutional leaders to address gaps in their online operations and identifies avenues for growth in the short-term.
Click here to learn more about how the evidence required for the Hallmarks Review overlaps with that required for regional accreditation using the Interregional Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education, Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC) (2011).
Call 202-659-3130 or email [email protected] to begin your review process today.

“The Review was an incredibly valuable, comprehensive and robust process that all institutions aspiring to take their online education units to the next level should seriously consider undertaking. Having the UPCEA Hallmark Review completed by a team of esteemed Online Leaders from reputable institutions was truly unique and added a higher-level credibility to the process, distinguishing it from the many others we have done in the past. There are many things we learned throughout the self-assessment and evaluation process that we will be adopting this coming year.”
Jason Ruckert, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University