
These 10 schools found their footing creating quality alternative credentials (University Business)

August 29, 2024

Senior leadership is beginning to view alternative credentials as a fundamental aspect of their enrollment strategy—and accreditors are listening. But costs, opaque data and unfruitful corporate outreach efforts have prevented colleges and universities from implementing the programs at scale, to name a few barriers.

Institutions looking to solidify their non-degree micro-credential and digital badge strategy can model solutions from these 10 schools where thousands of students are upskilling in fast-paced, dynamic environments. UPCEA, the professional development nonprofit, brought together institutions across various sizes, sectors and regions to highlight alternative credential models that complement each school’s mission.

“[T]hose institutions thriving within the changing landscape of higher education continue to make it easy for people to unbundle and rebundle their education and training, allowing them to personalize and best meet their career and personal goals,” read the report.

Read the full article.


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