UPCEA Updates

The latest association offerings and updates. UPCEA is your association!

Special announcement: UPCEA Membership Roster Changes

As chair of the UPCEA Membership committee, I am pleased to share some exciting news. If you are like my team at the University of Washington, you have more people who could benefit from your institution’s UPCEA membership than you have roster slots. For us, that has meant a constant rotation of staff through a limited number of roster positions and almost no ability to offer professionals in other parts of our institution direct access to UPCEA resources.
I am delighted to announce that UPCEA is now able to offer unlimited roster positions through your institutional membership!
This means that your whole team can be on the roster and that you now have plenty of room to add professionals from across your institution. Those in institutional marketing, online learning, other CE units in your institution, operations, and innovation can gain benefit to direct access to UPCEA resources. To add a colleague to your membership roster, please share this link.
This enhancement to your institutional membership is a direct result of feedback from many institutions over a number of years. We are excited that technological system upgrades and processes are now in place to accommodate this longstanding request and to bring even more value for your UPCEA membership.
Rovy Branon, Ph.D.
Vice Provost, Continuum College
University of Washington
2019-2020 UPCEA Membership Committee Chair and UPCEA President-Elect

Other UPCEA Updates + Blogs

UPCEA Establishes Hub for Credential Innovation with New Council for Credential Innovation and Alternative Credentials Network

August 24, 2021

Dedicated community will deliver strategic and practical guidance for postsecondary professionals involved in the design, development, and delivery of alternative…

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UPCEA Seeks Nominations for 2022 Leadership Positions

August 2, 2021

The UPCEA Governance and Nominations Committee invites nominations for the following positions: Board positions: Board President-Elect 2022-2023, serving as the…

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Get Involved with UPCEA

Professional development isn't just about attending sessions. Get involved with UPCEA to meet members from other institutions, share the great work your institution is doing, and hone your own skills. From submitting a session proposal for a conference or an article for a publication to serving as a volunteer on a conference planning committee, there are as many ways to engage with us!


Awards of Excellence

Since 1953, UPCEA has recognized its members' outstanding contributions to the Association and the field, as well as their achievements in innovative programming, marketing and promotion, community development and services, research and publications, and many other areas.