Professional & Continuing Education
Since its inception in 1915, UPCEA has focused on the work of professional and continuing education administrators who advance their institution’s mission by providing access and opportunities for students of all ages. Today, that work is more important than ever, with a focus on today’s adult learner and on developing new audiences, programs, and means of delivery.
UPCEA is committed to providing resources and learning opportunities for leaders in online and professional continuing education, embracing their entrepreneurial spirit and our rich history as an association.
News & Events
Conferences, Seminars, Webinars
From our major annual conference, leadership, marketing and regional events to topical webinars and coffee chats, UPCEA offers unparalleled networking, presentation and learning opportunities for all areas of online and professional continuing, education.
Major UPCEA Events include:
- UPCEA Annual Conference
- MEMS Conference: Marketing, Enrollment Management, Student Success
- Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) and the Summit for Online Leadership and Administration + Roundtable (SOLA+R)
- Convergence: Credential Innovation in Higher Education
- Regional Salons
Professional, Continuing, and Online Education News
Each and every day, Senior Fellow at UPCEA and Associate Vice Chancellor of Online Learning at University of Illinois Springfield Ray Schroeder brings you curated news articles.
The Pulse of Higher Ed
Perspectives on Online and Professional Education from UPCEA’s Research and Consulting Experts
What do beer, weed, and college have in common? It seems like an obvious answer, but for continuing educators, it means opportunity. With changing legislation, advances in…
While the economies of the U.S. and other nations are moving to greater automation and technological growth, the role of the liberal arts degree is getting lost…
Resources and Publications
UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Professional And Continuing Education
These Hallmarks presume that professional and continuing education is central, pervasive, and critical within institutions of higher learning—crossing internal boundaries and extending external ones, promoting change, and responding to current dynamics that convert challenges into opportunities.
These Hallmarks of Excellence are an opportunity to define a set of standards that reflect the ambitions, potential, and importance of the PCE unit’s work—standards few achieve often enough to be complacent. Commitment to mission, enrollments, innovation, and academic excellence are the inseparable aspirations of professional and continuing educators.
UNBOUND is UPCEA’s e-publication in magazine format, designed to showcase thought leadership, case studies, research and other valuable contributions to the field. UNBOUND welcomes articles from all those who are involved in higher education, especially those who work with adult students.
Get Involved
Have you joined a Network yet?
Today, the field of professional, continuing and online education is characterized by engagement in very complex, highly specialized areas of practice. UPCEA’s eight Networks are designed to serve professionals practicing in the key areas that define this vibrant and growing sector of higher education. Networks are open to any UPCEA Member. Members can join any one (or multiple) of these Networks, like Business & Operations, Program Planning and Implementation, and more!
Gain Knowledge and Advance Your Career
Learn from expert facilitators and connect with peers online as a part of UPCEA's Professional Development courses. Interested in earning the PCO Pro Certificate from UPCEA? Get the essential skills and knowledge you need with UPCEA’s Learning Center! Bringing you the leading experts in the field of professional, continuing, and online (PCO) education, these programs offer high-value and relevant content for practitioners at all levels.
Select and bundle five courses from the Foundations Series and Professional Practice Series.
Become an UPCEA Member
UPCEA members get more...
- Access to useful research
- Networking opportunities
- Real time advice, answers and ideas
- Exclusive member content
UPCEA has the knowledge and resources colleges and universities need to serve adult learners, online learners and contemporary students.
Contact Us!
To learn more about how UPCEA can help you and your organization navigate the vastly changing landscape of online and professional continuing education please complete this form or email us at [email protected]