Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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73 Percent of Students Prefer Some Courses Be Fully Online Post-Pandemic (Campus Technology)

In a recent survey, nearly three-quarters of students — 73 percent — said they would prefer to take some of their courses fully online post-pandemic. However, only half of faculty (53 percent) felt the same about teaching online. The fourth and final installment of Cengage‘s Digital Learning…

[Snap Poll Results] Outsourcing and PCO Units

[Snap Poll Results] Outsourcing and PCO Units

As the U.S. economy shows signs of emerging from the pandemic, colleges and universities are making decisions about the fall. Professional, continuing and online (PCO) education units also need to make decisions about new programs they were planning to launch pre-pandemic, systems they had budgeted…


What Ed Tech Could Be Today’s Antikythera Mechanism?

The Antikythera mechanism is an astounding device dating to antiquity. It has been hailed as the first mechanical computer, but more precisely it is an educational device. Let me begin by admitting my lifelong inability to sleep through the night. And, while I am at…


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