Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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Academic Cheating: Are We Asking the Right Questions?

In recent months we have frequently seen reports of cheating among students at colleges, universities and even military academies. Is this entirely the fault of students or are faculty contributing to the problem by emphasizing rote memory of facts, figures and formulas? The popular press…


OER and Teaching Through the Rearview Mirror

Course content is a sacred compact between the instructor and the learner. Truth, relevancy and currency are among the key components of that agreement. In this 21st century, technologies are changing the landscape of industry and society at a rate not previously documented. Are our…


Negotiated Rulemaking Kicks Off | Policy Matters (June 2021)

Major Updates Negotiated Rulemaking Kicks Off “Commenters at the public hearing addressed topics related to federal student aid, including Public Service Loan Forgiveness, widespread debt cancellation and the responsibility of for-profit institutions. The Department of Education began its negotiated rule-making process Monday (June 21) by…


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