Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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Augmenting Reality in Learning Online

Online: Trending Now #134 Augmented Reality is emerging as a powerful tool in distance online learning.  It is common that Virtual Reality (VR) is confused with Augmented Reality (AR). They are often conflated because some technologies apply to both. Augmented reality, by definition includes the…


Staffing in Professional, Continuing, and Online Education Units

Recently, we identified gross revenue per employee increasing from $278K in 2014 to $311K in 2018. While the revenue side of equation decreased by almost 10%, the staffing part of the equation also decreased. A number of factors could be at play regarding staffing decreases…


Innovation to Drive International Enrollment Success in the Third Wave

In my recent paper, A Third Wave of International Student Mobility, published by Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley, I analyzed the landscape of international enrollment from the lens of three Waves defined by key events shaping student choices and provided an overview…


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