Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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Blockchain Securing the Future

Online: Trending Now #141  Securing networking, empowering dissemination of credentials by students; blockchain opens the doors to large-scale change in higher education. Much has been made of blockchain since it first enabled Bitcoin. Blockchain is a distributed ledger platform that has facilitated anonymous transfer of…


Letter to Dept of ED on Gainful Employment

UPCEA, along with ACE and 20 other higher education groups sent comments to the Department of Education (ED) on the department’s proposal to rescind existing Gainful Employment regulations.  We oppose the Department’s proposal to rescind, instead of revise, the existing gainful employment regulations, and do…


The Obsolescence or Investment of the Marketing and Sales Professional

Just as industry is primarily employing three generations of workers, Boomer, Generation X, and Millennial, it also employs three generations of marketers … the mass marketer, the target marketer, and now the digital marketer. Similarly, as Generation Z is making its presence known in the…


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