Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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Announcing: 2019 eDC ThinkTank Roadshow

After successfully piloting virtual ThinkTanks in 2018 with Utah State University and Oregon State University, we’re happy to announce the 2019 eDC ThinkTank Roadshow schedule. We’ve tweaked things a bit and the 2019 eDC ThinkTanks will now be free and open to all members of…


Fixing Higher Education As We Move Into the New Economy

Is the degree dead, dying, or about to thrive in the new economy? Over the past two decades, higher education has adapted with online master’s and bachelor’s degrees. However, it took two decades to fully embrace the changes of the evolution of the Internet economy…


Virtual Labs Coming of Age

Online: Trending Now #144 Have we finally arrived at a point where we can effectively teach laboratory classes online? Recently, the University of Pennsylvania announced that they will launch a baccalaureate degree at scale online next fall. They are not the only ones to offer…


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Informed decisions. Ideas that work. The data you need. Trusted by the top universities in the nation.