Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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Online Education Advocacy Group Launches as Dept. of Ed Proposes Loosening Regulations (EdSurge)

To advocate for and on behalf of effective online teaching and learning practices, four organizations are joining forces to establish the National Council for Online Education. The partnership linking the Online Learning Consortium, Quality Matters, University Professional and Continuing Education Association and WICHE Cooperative for Educational…

A Glimpse into the Future Economy after the Pandemic

A Glimpse into the Future Economy after the Pandemic

COVID-19 has certainly changed our world, with more suffering yet to come. Many tragedies have reshaped society and the world economy. After the destruction and loss of life from 9/11, the financial markets and economy suffered in the short-term, but certain industries experienced longer lasting…

Planning for Mode of Course Delivery in Summer and Fall

Planning for Mode of Course Delivery in Summer and Fall

As many of us are still grappling with the daily details of remote delivery of campus classes, we must turn our eyes to the summer and fall. Many of us have been working day and night to launch our campuswide remote learning response to the…


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