Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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University of Washington Continuum College Vice Provost Rovy Branon to Serve as UPCEA Board President

WASHINGTON, April 2, 2020 – UPCEA, the Washington, D.C.-based association for university leaders in professional, continuing, and online education, welcomed Dr. Rovy Branon as the association’s 2020-21 Board President during a virtual Board of Directors meeting on March 18. Branon is vice provost for the…

“In conversations with my counterparts, it became clear to us that the scale and importance of the online learning sector within higher education required a more coordinated advocacy effort than we were able to do separately,”said Bob Hansen, CEO of UPCEA. “So we joined forces, leveraging our respective strengths to advance the field together.”

Leading Digital Learning Organizations Partner to Establish National Council for Online Education

For Immediate Release   OLC, QM, UPCEA, WCET join forces to advance online and digital postsecondary education   WASHINGTON, April 1, 2020 – Four leading organizations in higher education and digital learning today announced a partnership to establish the National Council for Online Education (NCOE),…

Subscription Rather Than Tuition

Subscription Rather Than Tuition

What if we subscribed to learning and educational engagement throughout our careers? A huge trend has swept the world over the past few decades. While few have connected the otherwise disassociated patterns, there is an unmistakable increase in subscription-based models. The rise of leasing has…


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