Online and Professional Continuing Education News

See below for a listing of curated news articles of the day brought to you by Ray Schroeder, Senior Fellow at UPCEA. 

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A Generational Redefinition of Higher Education, Post-COVID-19

A Generational Redefinition of Higher Education, Post-COVID-19

Older Gen Zers (often called the “iGeneration”) may be a deciding factor in not only the upcoming presidential and congressional elections, but also in what higher education will look like in the future, post-COVID-19. Generation Z is typically defined as individuals born between 1995 and…


Major Announcement: Introducing online professional development from UPCEA

I am pleased to share a major announcement today regarding a profession that is indispensable to the future of higher education. The field of Professional, Continuing, and Online Education (PCO) has truly come of age in the 21st century – and our importance and sophistication…


Are You a Victim of Zoom Fatigue?

Are you Zooming through your days in discomfort and not liking what you see on the screen? Zoom has become part of the lexicon of our lives. It is the way many of us meet and teach. In a similar way, we use Google Hangouts…


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Informed decisions. Ideas that work. The data you need. Trusted by the top universities in the nation.