ED to Delay and Clarify Third-Party Servicer Guidance | Policy Matters (April 2023)
Major Updates ED Announces Intent to Rework Third-Party Servicer Guidance, Clarify Scope, Remove International Ban and Delay Deadline In a blog post the Undersecretary of Postsecondary Education, James Kvaal, provided updates on the recent Third-Party Servicer guidance. While they are still reviewing the more than 1,000 public comments, Undersecretary Kvaal writes the Department will update…
US Department of Education Announces Hearings on Higher Education Rulemaking; Secret Shopping of Institutions | Policy Matters (March 2023)
Major Updates Deadline March 30: Public Comment on Third Party Servicers – Institutional Members Encouraged to Weigh In The Department has updated Third-Party Servicer guidance to clarify when a servicer is considered as such, and would be privy to additional data and regulation with compliance for federal rules and regulations. The definitions have been…
IMPORTANT UPDATES – Third-Party Servicer and Recruitment Compensation Updates from US Department of Education | Policy Matters (February 2023)
Major Updates NOTE: This post has been updated since its original publishing to include extended deadlines provided by the Department of Education. Some substantial items for UPCEA members to review from the US Department of Education were announced last week. The long-expected Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) on Third-Party Servicers (TPS) and public comment periods on…
ED Announces Negotiated Rulemaking with Distance Education, State Authorization, Among Others | Volunteers Sought – Policy Matters (January 2023)
Major Updates Department of Education Announces Intent to Rewrite of State Authorization, Distance Education, Third-Party Servicers Among Others The Biden Administration announced in the first days of 2023 their intent to rework this year eight different areas of higher education regulations via negotiated rulemaking. The topics include many in which the UPCEA community has…
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UPCEA Policy Committee
Kristen Brown, University of Louisville, Chair
Bridget Beville, University of Phoenix
Corina Caraccioli, Loyola University New Orleans
Abram Hedtke, St. Cloud State University
George Irvine, University of Delaware
Craig Wilson, University of Arizona