Government Affairs

New Resource – Digital Accessibility Requirements For Online Learning | Policy Matters (August 2024)

August 30, 2024

Major Updates

Digital Accessibility Requirements For Online Learning | UPCEA Primers + Insights – NEW
How Disability Anti-Discrimination Laws Impact Online Courses and Programs

Across UPCEA’s membership and higher education more broadly, every individual plays an important role in fostering inclusive environments. Digital accessibility is not just a regulatory requirement but a cornerstone of inclusive learning environments. There are substantial accessibility requirements from the Department of Justice recently established which will apply broadly to public universities (and possibly other institutional categories) in the coming years. As part of our commitment to support and enhance UPCEA members’ understanding of federal compliance issues, we are proud to announce the latest addition to our Policy Matters: Primers and Insights series, titled “Digital Accessibility Requirements for Online Learning and Programs.”

This brand new resource details digital accessibility requirements primarily from a legal perspective. However, it is ultimately intended to serve as a more foundational resource to help those working in a wide range of roles to both support risk mitigation efforts and implement appropriate measures to create a more inclusive online learning landscape. This publication is designed to empower every member of the UPCEA community, in various roles, to understand US federal accessibility expectations and enforcement, as well as compliance tips to consider. 

We hope you will find this resource helpful and encourage you to continue the important conversation around digital accessibility in online learning by sharing any additional resources and examples you may have as well as questions and concerns in our CORe discussion thread about the resource. Access our new resource.

This resource is the latest in our new compliance series, Policy Matters: Primers and Insights – helping you navigate policy frameworks critical to higher education in the United States. Find additional Policy Matters: Primers and Insights here.


Other News

  • Funding Opportunities Shared from US Department of Education OCTAE:

    • $25 Million Good Jobs Challenge Notice of Funding Opportunity – will support sectoral partnerships that bring together diverse stakeholders, including employers, labor unions, education institutions, training organizations, community-based organizations, and others to develop high-quality training programs that lead directly to a good job. EDA anticipates making five to eight awards ranging from $1 million to $8 million, which are anticipated to be announced in winter 2024. Applications due September 27, 2024.

    • Applications for New Awards; Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education Program – inviting applications for fiscal year 2024 for the Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education (TGIY) Program. The TGIY Program aims to provide a funding opportunity for organizations that work directly with gang-involved youth to help such youth pursue higher education opportunities that will lead to certification or credentials. Applications due September 24, 2024.

    • Department of Labor Workforce Development Grants – YouthBuild – DOL will award grants through a competitive process to organizations providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, who are performing meaningful work and service to their communities. The YouthBuild program model prepares participants for quality jobs in a variety of careers, in diverse industry sectors, particularly in infrastructure sectors, and includes wrap-around services such as mentoring, trauma-informed care, personal counseling, transportation supports, and employment preparation — all key strategies for addressing violence in communities. YouthBuild applicants must include construction skills training and may include occupational skills training in other in-demand industries. Applications due September 18, 2024.

    • Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants – to build community colleges’ capacity to meet the skill development needs of employers and equitably support students in obtaining good jobs in in-demand industries. Grantees will enhance sector-based career pathways programs using strategies rooted in evidence and designed to build further evidence on the effectiveness of sector-based career pathways programs in leading to positive employment outcomes. Successful applicants will use the diverse strengths of their Strengthening Community Colleges Partnership members to accomplish and sustain systems change. Applications due September 24, 2024.

Policy Matters: Primers and Insights
Helping you navigate policy frameworks critical to higher education in the United States.

Access our resources providing an introduction to foundational topics in federal legislation and regulations impacting online and professional continuing education for universities and colleges. Read more.

UPCEA is a proud founding and steering committee member of the Today's Students Coalition.

UPCEA Policy Committee

Kristen Brown, University of Louisville, Chair
Bridget Beville, University of Phoenix
Corina Caraccioli, Loyola University New Orleans
Abram Hedtke, St. Cloud State University

George Irvine, University of Delaware
Rob Kerr, University of Illinois, Springfield
Craig Wilson, University of Arizona


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