UPCEA has the knowledge and resources colleges and universities need to serve the nontraditional market.
The growth of the adult market and online learning is transforming higher education. Are you ready to lead the transformation at your college or university? Is your institution poised to capitalize on the opportunities these challenges present? Are you ready to join the only organization in North America focusing on professional, continuing and online education programs?
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Curabitur quis tincidunt diam.
Donec et quam at elit tempus feugiat. Proin lorem ante, pulvinar sed tempor quis, semper nec erat. Etiam nec augue in elit vulputate sodales. Etiam ornare mollis sapien non lobortis.
Curabitur quis tincidunt diam.
Donec et quam at elit tempus feugiat. Proin lorem ante, pulvinar sed tempor quis, semper nec erat. Etiam nec augue in elit vulputate sodales. Etiam ornare mollis sapien non lobortis.
Curabitur quis tincidunt diam.
Donec et quam at elit tempus feugiat. Proin lorem ante, pulvinar sed tempor quis, semper nec erat. Etiam nec augue in elit vulputate sodales. Etiam ornare mollis sapien non lobortis.
Fixing Higher Education As We Move Into the New Economy
Is the degree dead, dying, or about to thrive in the new economy? Over the past two decades, higher education…
Read MoreVirtual Labs Coming of Age
Online: Trending Now #144 Have we finally arrived at a point where we can effectively teach laboratory classes online? Recently,…
Read MoreNext for SNHU: Game-Based Learning and Digital Badges for Middle Schoolers (Inside Higher Ed)
Southern New Hampshire University is again trying to disrupt the status quo in higher ed — this time by attempting…
Read MoreTell your complete educational story to potential employers (FIU News)
Some skills are considered too “small” or specific to become a degree program and aren’t often listed on a student’s…
Read MoreDepartment of Education Announces Formal Rulemaking Committee, Seeks Nominations
Following their request for input on a wide-ranging set of topics to be placed into a single negotiated rulemaking session,…
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