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AI Reshapes Higher Ed and Society at Large by 2035

There are important steps to be taken in higher education as we prepare for the deep society-wide changes that will take place in the next five to ten years.  In general, these columns have focused on the incremental actions that should be taken to benefit higher education institutions and their constituencies as they adapt to…
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Higher Education Has Not Been Forgotten by Generative AI

The Generative AI (GenAI) revolution has not ignored higher education, a whole host of tools are available now and more revolutionary tools are on the way. Beginning with concern over the potential for plagiarism and cheating by way of the use of GenAI chatbots, higher education has paid attention to the development of this technology.…
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How and When Might the Great AI Job Replacement Take Place?

While there are isolated examples of wholesale layoffs among a few individual companies, the broad scale loss of jobs has not yet materialized.  So far, the impact of Generative AI (GenAI) on the general workforce has been to enhance productivity rather than to reduce the overall number of jobs. Of course, we are barely into…
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The AI-Augmented Non-Teaching Academic in Higher Ed

Generative AI (GenAI) will bring innovations, efficiencies, creativity, and effectiveness to most all people who work at our colleges and universities in the coming year. In the previous edition of Online: Trending Now, we looked at the AI tools and activities of the AI-augmented professor. Yet there are more staff members who support the learning…
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The AI-Augmented Professor of 2024

It is early August 2024.  I am about to begin the fall term of teaching, research, administrative tasks and advising with the help of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools and assistants.  My syllabus was already submitted a couple of months ago so it is available online to all who may want to register. I did…
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Higher Education and the Four Industrial Revolutions

This is not the first time that western civilization and American higher education has encountered a massive change impacting the mission, technologies and vision of higher learning. We would be wise to take a moment to reflect on the ways in which higher education has adapted to radical change in society, technology and culture in…
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Professional development isn't just about attending sessions. Get involved with UPCEA to meet members from other institutions, share the great work your institution is doing, and hone your own skills. From submitting a session proposal for a conference or an article for a publication to serving as a volunteer on a conference planning committee, there are as many ways to engage with us!


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Since 1953, UPCEA has recognized its members' outstanding contributions to the Association and the field, as well as their achievements in innovative programming, marketing and promotion, community development and services, research and publications, and many other areas.