Government Affairs

Advocating for FAFSA Fixes and State Authorization Reciprocity | Policy Matters (May 2024)

May 31, 2024

Major Updates

  • UPCEA Co-Signs Request to Congress on FAFSA Fix Proposal
    In a letter led by the American Council on Education (ACE), UPCEA joined with other organizations to seek legislation for crucial adjustments to the FAFSA process to enhance its efficiency and fairness. Key proposals include ensuring institutions are not held liable for discrepancies in determining student aid eligibility, extending the ability to transfer unspent Federal Work-Study funds, establishing an earlier statutory deadline for the FAFSA release, requiring comprehensive assessments of recent changes affecting students’ financial aid, among many others. Read the full letter.


  • State Authorization Reciprocity Proposals | Take Action and Read Our Letter to the Department of Education
    Along with our esteemed partners, UPCEA this month joined with WCET, QM, OLC, NACUBO and American Association of Community Colleges to send a letter to the US Department of Education about recent proposals on State Authorization reciprocity expressing our concerns. This letter dives deep into the issues impacting students and institutions that these proposed regulations would create.

    The Department of Education is planning to implement new regulations that will profoundly impact online education and the future of our students. The proposed rules could alter state authorization reciprocity agreements for institutions participating in SARA, particularly affecting those with over 500 students in another state. The proposed regulations also may impose new requirements to abide by laws related to closure in each state. We encourage you to reach out to your federal and state officials, as well as institutional leadership. Please read, share, and utilize this letter as a basis for your outreach. Your voice is crucial in shaping the future of online education. Read our letter.


  • Ricky LaFosse Joins UPCEA as Senior Policy Fellow
    Ricky LaFosse has been appointed as the new Senior Policy Fellow at UPCEA, further strengthening our commitment to excellence in policy and compliance in online and professional education. With over 10 years of experience in higher education and online learning compliance, LaFosse brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the role. LaFosse currently serves as the Associate Director of Compliance and Policy at the University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation. His extensive background in higher education policy, including serving as an advisor to multiple national organizations and former chair of UPCEA’s Policy Committee, prepared him for the fellowship at UPCEA. His deep understanding of accreditation processes, compliance issues, and government relations will be invaluable in developing and implementing strategies to advance UPCEA’s policy priorities. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of his fellowship on our organization and the broader higher education community we serve.


Other News

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Helping you navigate policy frameworks critical to higher education in the United States.

Access our resources providing an introduction to foundational topics in federal legislation and regulations impacting online and professional continuing education for universities and colleges. Read more.

UPCEA is a proud founding and steering committee member of the Today's Students Coalition.

UPCEA Policy Committee

Kristen Brown, University of Louisville, Chair
Bridget Beville, University of Phoenix
Corina Caraccioli, Loyola University New Orleans
Abram Hedtke, St. Cloud State University

George Irvine, University of Delaware
Rob Kerr, University of Illinois, Springfield
Craig Wilson, University of Arizona


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