
Majority of Grads Wish They’d Been Taught AI in College (Inside Higher Ed)

July 23, 2024

A majority of college graduates believe generative artificial intelligence tools should be incorporated into college classrooms, with more than half saying they felt unprepared for the workforce, according to a new survey from Cengage Group, an education-technology company.

The survey, released today, found that 70 percent of graduates believe basic generative AI training should be integrated into courses; 55 percent said their degree programs did not prepare them to use the new technology tools in the workforce.


“That’s spot on to what I’ve seen and heard,” said Ray Schroeder, senior fellow at UPCEA, an online and professional education association, and a contributor to Inside Higher Ed. “Those students are looking ahead; they’re looking at not just the next class but their careers and what the HR department or owner of the start-up is going to look for in students. And it’s the ability to use the rapidly evolving technology that’ll make a huge difference.”

Read the full article.


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