Government Affairs

Department of Education Announces Formal Rulemaking Committee, Seeks Nominations

October 15, 2018

Following their request for input on a wide-ranging set of topics to be placed into a single negotiated rulemaking session, the Department has formally announced their intent to hold sessions in January, February, and March related to these issues. The department has decided to split this rulemaking session into one main committee regarding “Accreditation and Innovation”, and three topic-based subcommittees: the Distance Learning and Educational Innovation Subcommittee; the Faith-Based Entities Subcommittee; and the TEACH Grants Subcommittee. Individuals are encouraged to submit their nominations for negotiators no later than November 15th to [email protected].

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UPCEA Policy Committee

Kristen Brown, University of Louisville, Chair
Bridget Beville, University of Phoenix
Corina Caraccioli, Loyola University New Orleans
Abram Hedtke, St. Cloud State University

George Irvine, University of Delaware
Craig Wilson, University of Arizona


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